Tuesday, April 12, 2011

SECTION 5: Treatment.


Abduction- To carry off by force; kidnap.
Dawn is a girl from Warrington, she lives a normal life with normal friends with normal hobbies.
However her family’s past is not so normal and something which is to come back and haunt her… Dawn is abducted by a cult intertwined with her family history and is taken to be part of a religious ritual which will result in her death. The Authorities have no clues, no leads or way of finding her, only her family can save her. But they are at a dilemma; save their daughter from a religious sacrifice or follow the code of the cult, which they are devote to.


The film starts off with a young girl walking home. It is late at night and the air is cold and misty. As the girl walks down an avenue off the main road, the camera shows a man dressed in black clothes watching her from the opposite side of the road. The only noise is the buzzing of the lamp posts and distant cars.
As she turns the corner, she again looks around, gripping her coat round her to keep warm, her pace quickening. She comes to another road where she goes to cross but the front lights of a car stop her, its windows are blackened out to hide the identity of the driver. She goes to cross nervously but the car beeps at her, so she steps back onto the pavement to allow the car to drive off but it doesn’t move. She steps out again in the hope of being granted passage but the car beeps at her again, she stares at the blackened window pondering on how to react.
She steps out a final time cautiously; the car slams on the horn causing the girl to jump and by instinct run across the road and continues to quickly walk down the road as the car stays motionless. The girl then turns the corner, walking clumsily in the dark as she desperately wants to get home, we see a car in the distant coming down the road. As she walks down the road to her home, thinking she is finally alone, under the light of the lamppost, a man stands, his identity hidden.
We then see her in a kitchen cooking her meal, to then walk into the lounge with a prepared meal. She watches TV and starts eating her meal in a relaxed manner. Suddenly, the window is hit from the outside, the girl jumps in shock. She stands frozen and then slowly moves to switch the garden light on. As she switches on the light, a man is revealed to be standing behind the window, his identity still hidden within the black hooded coat. The girl and the man look at each other through the window, her body shaking in fear, tears forming at her eyes. Suddenly another man comes from behind and pulls a bag over her head. The other man forces his way through the sliding window and comes to help the other man as the girl struggles and screams. The men then drag the girl through the house and into the car that she stepped in front of previously. The shot ends with the car door slamming.
The rest of the film:
Her parents come back to the house later and after searching for their daughter, realise what has happened. Their son, Jason -who has no knowledge of his parent’s past- rushes to call the Police, however the parents tell him not to and instead they ring other family members, asking them to come to the house. A few hours later they arrive and discuss the matter, Jason is sent to his room where he rings the Police despite his parents command. When the Police arrive, the family then have to answer questions and the parents are taken to the station because of suspicions over why they didn’t ring the Police first. After they are let go, the parents return home and the father decides to go and look for Dawn, he tells the mother to stay with Jason at the home. The father then goes in to town meeting up with contacts he has and eventually finds the location where Dawn is being held. The location is an old warehouse that was abandoned years ago. The father fights with cult members and works his way deep into the warehouse where he finds the two original kidnappers with the leader of the cult going to stab Dawn and complete the ritual. The father turns the knife on the leader and kills him, the two kidnappers run off as the father unties Dawn. The ending shot is of Dawn and her father working out of the warehouse entrance, Dawn clinging her father by the side.

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