Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Filming My Thriller (Diary)

After discussing the sub-genres of thriller with my group, we now had enough ideas of how to film our own opening scene. We knew that we had to remember the dark merky colours on camera as I saw in se7en and the quiet sounds from 'Silience of the Lambs'. Our group found some actors and a location which was set inside and outside my group member Tom Jennings' house.

December 21st 2010

Our filming began on this date. We had the idea of a girl walking home and is followed by two hooded men in the darkness. We only had one camera to film our work with, so many of our shots had to be filmed more than once so we could edit the footage to make it look like there were more cameras being used. The camera we used was not the camera offered to us by my college. My group heard from Warrington Borough Council that they had some better cameras which we could get hold of to film our work. We wanted to begin filming at night time so that the colour on our camera shots could be much more atmospheric. We were very limited in terms of what lighting we could use in our shots. When filming, the only lighting we deliberatly used to change the colours on screen was from a motorbike shining it's lights towards the set and the car in the film which beeps the horn at the girl.

January 4th 2010

Today we began editing our footage with a clearer idea of how the final film will look once it has been edited. The footage we had without being cropped during the editing process would have been too long per scene and would have looked untidy. We managed to crop the film so it looked like we had more than one camera being used at once. There are many times throughout the film where you will see the camera switch from one side of the room to another. This is to allow the audience to gain a differant character prospective of what is happening in the scene.

We did, however encounter one problem with our footage which we will need to refilm. We took two shots of the girl walking around the same corner, both from differant angles. The problem we have which we did not notice at the time was that she took too much of a sharp turn around the street corner on the first shot whereas on the second shot it was much more of a turn at the edge of the pavement. These problems could not edited so that her turn around the corner looks smooth. Another part of our footage which we will need to refilm is the girl entering her house through her door and leaving the key inside the lock. This is crucial because it explains to the viewers how the two men managed to enter her house. This was the last shot that we wanted to film but unfortunatly our camera ran out of power whilst recording. This was very disapointing to our group at the time but now the rest of the footage has been edited in we have left space for the remaining shots to be inserted into the timeline in the editing program. The image above is evidence of our editing.

January 14th 2011

Now we had finished cutting the clips, we could now begin our work with on editing sound. This was a very tricky task, particularly during the scene involving the girl crossing the road. This was because when we asked the driver of the car to beep his horn, he didn't do it in a long and consistant beep as we wanted him too. This was becuase his car didn't let him hold his horn for long periods. We knew we would have a hard time editing the horn so it would sound how we wanted it. In the end, we thought it was better for the horn just to beep when the girl stepped onto the road. Among the other sounds which we had to cut out was the shout of "Action!" from the start of our scenes.

January 19th 2011

The only short processes we had left to add to our opening scene was to add music, the opening titles and decide on a name for the thriller. I remembered that it was important to consider which font I used in the opening credits and how they appear onto the screen. We chose the white text because it stood out best when our scenes mostly have a dark background. We also thought it was best that the text should slowly fade in and out of the screen. When my name appears on screen, it was originally supposed to appear on the bottom right rather than the left. I soon decided that it would be better my name to appear in the bottom left corner because it is the direction in which the girl was walking in the scene. If it had been put in the bottom right, this may have been annoying for the audience's eyes because the girl would have been moving away from the text.

When it came to chosing our music, we thought that something with high notes from a piano would help set the atmosphere. The song we chose was from the opening 20 seconds of 'Swansong for a Raven' by Maralyn Manson. This worked brilliantly when the girl is walking down the lonely road, combined with the white text for the opening credits.

I thought of the name 'Abduction' because it links in with the plot and what is going to happen in the opening scene. We also had the idea of calling it 'Incention' or 'Ascention', but we all felt that these titles didn't link in well enough with the plot. Another idea for the film was 'Kidnap' or 'The Kidnap', but we felt that this wasn't a very original name and we needed something a little differant.

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